


One morning while out walking in the Atacama I came across this rock at my feet. Honing in on it I noticed it’s golden coloured lid. I bent down for a closer inspection and turned over the perfectly fitted cap revealing a hollow inside, surrounded by circles coloured yellow and green. I was mesmerized and baffled by this rock, it’s origins, it’s story. No tripod with me, I took my coordinates so I could find it again and film it. Later that afternoon I walked out again using my compass and there it was as it should be. I wondered at the seeming randomness of finding it in the expanse of the Atacama, naively thinking that maybe I was the first to stumble upon it. I still puzzle as to it’s geological formation and age but revel in it’s perfect form and it’s discovery which prompted questions about my existence in relation to it’s existence here on this planet spinning through the universe.